Follow These Tips To Be A Good Parent?

 Here’s what you can do to be a good parent. If you are already doing it, then that’s great!

1. Love unconditionally:

Loving their children comes naturally and instinctively for parents. But you can express it by:
• Hugging and kissing your kids.
• Encouraging them when they are doing something good.
• Assuring them that you will love them always.

2. Appreciate generously:

When you appreciate your kids for their accomplishments, they are motivated to do it better. It also tells them that you are proud of their achievements.
• Praise your kids to make them feel proud of their achievements.
• Be clear in explaining why you are appreciating them. Example: I am proud you have put in great efforts in completing your holiday project.

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3. Avoid comparisons:

Every child is different and has a unique potential. Recognize the talent in your children and motivate them to reach their goals. When you compare your child with others, it makes them feel inferior. Therefore,
• Don’t discourage your children by comparing them with others.
• Don’t show favoritism towards one child.
• Encourage children to take care of themselves instead of asking the older siblings to take care of the younger ones.

4. Listen to understand:

Communication is effective when it flows two ways. Only when you listen to your children, would you understand their problems and be able to help them.
• Make sure you talk to your child every day for a certain time, be it after school, bedtime, or during dinner.
• Avoid gadgets during the interaction time.
5. Set rules and consequences:
Rules help your children inculcate discipline and order in their lives.
• Your rules have to be reasonable and fair and not so stringent that the kids fear them.
• The rules and the consequences of breaking them need to be clear.
• The rules have to be applied consistently without any exceptions.
• Ensure that you and your spouse (and the others at home) are on the same page while enforcing the rules.
• Avoid punitive action when your child doesn’t follow the rules.

6. Share their special moments:

Whether it’s your child’s graduation ceremony, dance performance, or a play, be there and make them happy. It will boost their confidence and make the day more memorable.

7. Strive to be a role model:

Children learn more from what you do rather than what you say. If you want your children to be the way you want, you need to:
• Behave appropriately in front of your kids.
• Respect your child and others.
• Be cordial with your spouse so that your child understands intimacy, love, and togetherness.
• Care for the environment.

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8. Reflect on your own childhood:

Certain times, we unconsciously take cues from our parents while parenting our kids. In some instances, we might want to do things differently and in some others, follow in the footsteps of our parents.
Reflect on the things you want to change, and act accordingly.
For instance, if your parents were strict with you, then you might want to be a little relaxed with your child while having rules in place.

9. Teach socializing:

It’s important to teach social skills to your child. You need to:
• Encourage your children to interact with their classmates (not when a class is going on, though).
• Tell them to maintain eye contact with everyone they talk.
• Make your child understand that not all people they meet are pleasant but they should learn to accept myriad behaviors.

10. Help the child to be independent:

Teach your child to make decisions instead of depending on you all the time. You need to help them differentiate good from bad and right from wrong.
• Unless you feel it’s necessary to intervene, let your child make their decisions, be it about their friends or hobbies.
• Don’t force them to fit into your pre-defined templates.
Your parenting approach changes at every phase of your child’s life as it requires you to use age-appropriate techniques and strategies. Let’s understand them in detail.


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